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Align your vision with user needs at Discovery Phase

We will help you to save time and costs by doing feature analysis, creating detailed development plan to mitigate risks and crafting eye-catching design to improve market fitdiscoverydiscoveryLet’s Work

How Discovery Phase can help you

You have a solution idea but don’t know where to start
01You have a solution idea but don’t know where to start
We will create a clean project roadmap and development plan with all the steps and deadlines for your project to run smoothly and efficiently.
You have a lot of ideas and don’t know which one to choose
02You have a lot of ideas and don’t know which one to choose
We'll assist you in picking the best ideas for your project by doing thorough research and market analysis, so you don't end up with extra spendings on too many unnecessary features.
You want to ensure the requirements are clear
03You want to ensure the requirements are clear
We'll make clear project documents that turn your concept into practical plans and instructions, so everyone involved in the project development understands what needs to be done and why.
The project budget is unclear and indeterminate
04The project budget is unclear and indeterminate
By thoroughly assessing project requirements, potential risks, and resource needs, we will provide a clear budget estimate, helping you allocate resources more effectively and avoid unexpected cost overruns.
You want to make sure the project is future-proof and scalable
05You want to make sure the project is future-proof and scalable
We will help you to assess and choose the right technologies and architecture that can adapt to future needs and growth, regardless of the development team working on it.

Deliverables of Discovery Phase

What it is
The MVP features list is a concise document outlining the core functionalities essential for an initial software release.
Why it is important
Avoid unnecessary spendingIt provides clarity and alignment among stakeholders, prioritizes development efforts, and helps quickly deliver a user-focused product spending budget only on what’s important.
2MVP REQUIREMENTS documentation
What it is
It is a structured document outlining the specific technical and functional requirements for the MVP. It will be used by development teams, to make an MVP meet its intended goals efficiently and accurately.
Why it is important
Get an MVP x1.5 fasterThis document is essential to maintain project focus, minimize miscommunication, and guide the development process.
3design & Prototype
What it is
We create an interface and prototype it to clearly visualize the final product and gather feedback, in order to test user experience and make sure it is clearly aligned with product’s goals. We iterate until design meets expectations.
Why it is important
Be 100% certain in visualsIt ensures that the end product is user-friendly, visually appealing, and aligned with the project’s objectives.
4detailed Development plan
What it is
It is a comprehensive document that details time and budget estimates, specific tasks, timelines, and resource allocations needed for the successful project development. Also it provides a structured roadmap for project teams for better inner communication and efficient work process.
Why it is important
Have a clear future visionThis document is essential for understanding timeline and costs, ensuring that the project management is effective and resources are optimized.


every step of the way according to your needs
Market Analysis & Requirements gathering
time1-2 weeks
We will create detailed user personas representing different user types to gain insights into their behaviors, goals, and preferences. After that we will identify the specific "jobs" or tasks users are trying to accomplish with the product to guide feature prioritization. This allows to develop a concise list of features and functionalities that are essential for the MVP, focusing on addressing user needs and achieving project goals.
Design & Prototyping
time1-2 weeks
After the first step is done, we begin crafting interactive wireframes or mockups that allow you to visualize the user interface and overall user experience, ensuring that the design aligns with your brand identity.line
Crafting project documentation
time2 weeks
We compile a comprehensive document detailing whole project including market analysis results, project requirements and crafted designs, technologies, database structure, and server infrastructure choices. It offers a complete project overview, and is invaluable for future interactions with development teams and stakeholders.line
Finalising the Development plan
time1 week
With this groundwork in place, we will then make a detailed development plan that lays out the project's timeline, milestones, task breakdowns, dependencies, and responsibilities. This ensures that everyone knows what to do and when to do it, making the project progress smoothly.

Why pick us to meet deadlines and budgets crucial for your project

Our experienced team excels in meticulous project planning, cost-effective resource management, and a track record of on-time deliveries. With 9 out of 10 projects delivered on time and budget, the choice to work with us is an obvious one.Let’s Work

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